Home Breakfast Banana Muffins

Banana Muffins

Something about the smell of baked goods in the oven that makes everyone feel loved. The texture of these banana muffins are so soft and moist, one bite and you are in heaven.

Multiple Banana Muffins Pictured With Glass Of Milk
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Something about the smell of baked goods in the oven that makes everyone feel loved. These banana muffins’ texture is soft, spongy, and moist. One bite, and you are in heaven.

Never wanting to waste any food, especially with these food prices soaring, what do you do when your supply of bananas outlasts the demand? You make lovely banana muffins for everyone to enjoy.

These banana muffins come together with minimal effort. The best part is that you will likely have all the ingredients already!

Make Sure Your Bananas Are Ripe To Get The Sweetest Banana Muffins:

The single one thing you can do to be sure you get the very sweetest banana muffins is to be sure that your bananas are ripe. As you can see from the picture below, the difference in the fresh bananas, and ripe bananas are a stark difference. In a perfect world, I would even take these bananas another couple of days, but my schedule for baking was not going to allow me the time to bake later in the week so I had to bake them off.

TIP: You can also find over ripe bananas in the clearance section of your grocery produce department.

How To Speed Up Ripening Of Bananas

A comparison picture of new freshly purchased bunch of bananas, and a bunch of bananas that are over ripe, ready to be used for banana muffins!
Fresh Vs Ripe Bananas. Make Sure your Bananas are rip to produce the best Banana Muffins.

The easiest way to ripen your bananas quicker is to put them in a brown paper bag and keep it closed for a few days. Bananas actually release ethylene gas as they ripen and being enclosed in a bag will trap the ethylene and help the banana ripen faster.

The general rule is the darker the outer skin of the banana, the sweeter the muffin will be. So do not be scared to let the bananas go pretty dark before whipping up yummy muffins!

Banana Muffin Ingredients

Banana Muffin Ingredients illustrated In Picture.
Banana Muffin Ingredients Illustrated above
  • Ripe bananas, mashed
  • Egg
  • All purpose flour
  • Baking powder
  • Baking soda
  • Cinnamon
  • Granulated sugar
  • Salt
  • Vanilla
  • Butter
  • Walnuts, chopped if using
  • Chocolate Chips, if using

How To Make Banana Muffins

Start by heating the oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit and prepare your muffin pans with muffin tins liners.   This recipe should make 12 standard muffins, or 6 large muffins. Personally, I love to make the big muffins because they remind you of the magnificent bakery muffins you get with your favorite cup of coffee. I also think they actually save you time for going back for a second standard muffin!

Take your very ripe bananas and mash them with a fork in a bowl. To the bananas you are going to add the melted butter, sugar, egg, vanilla and combine well. Set this bowl aside and get your dry ingredients combined.

Using a sifter, shake the baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, salt in a separate bowl.

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Dry ingredients and banana mixture ready to be combined to make banana muffins

Add in the flour mixture to the banana mixture in stages, about a third at a time and stir until the flour is no longer visible. As with most muffins, do not overwork the batter.

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Dry ingredients being added in stages to the banana mixture while making banana muffins.

Add the batter evenly to prepared muffin pans. Keep in mind that this recipe will make 12 standard muffins, or 6 large muffins. Bake the standard muffins for 20 minutes until a inserted toothpick comes out of the center clean.  The larger muffins take 25-30 minutes depending on your oven.

Set the muffins on a cooling rack and after 5 minutes or so, remove them to the rack alone to cool thoroughly.

Can You Add Chocolate Chips Or Walnuts?

Yes, you can add either or both! I have made this recipe with both, just walnuts or neither. My family actually prefers the muffins to be just banana muffins without the extras, but you do you!

How To Store Banana Muffins?

The most important thing to remember when storing your banana muffins is that they are completely cooled. You do not want the moisture to be caught in the storing container. Moisture around food will turn to mold regardless of your intent!

The next thing to remember is that you want to put your muffins in a airtight container and store it on the counter. Keeping the muffins on the counter will limit the lifecycle of the muffins to about 4 days, but this will guarantee that they remain soft and moist like when they were pulled out of the oven.

Trust me these banana muffins are so moist and flavorful, they will be gone in a day, maybe 2 max!

A beautiful banana muffin and a glass of milk pictured and ready to enjoy!
Glass Of Milk With A Fresh From The Oven, Banana Muffin

Now grab a large glass of milk and enjoy that muffin!

Looking For Other Baked Goods, Then Try These

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